
Download Hexen
Download Hexen

download Hexen

Graphically it's a good looking oldie game that translates into medium quality textures just the right amount of jaggedness and hub based level design.

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The game puts a lot of effort into differentiating the classes, with lots of weapons for each one. The cleric is more of a balanced class, allowing you more mid ranged attacks, while the mage is a bit harder to play, as you need to keep your distance as much as possible, though later, on it sure is the deadliest class there is with mass destruction spells taking the cake!. As a fighter you're able to tackle the game without needing to pay too much attention to staying away from clusters of enemies, so you're more of like the tank type. There are just three, the fighter, the cleric and the mage. The role playing element comes in the form of choosing a class to play as. It is a first person, kind of shooter, kind of a role player. Hexen is the next step in the Heretic saga. Heretic built it, Hexen took it to the next level!

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